Products & Services
We offer customizable goods or services built to the customer’s specific requirements.
All our products are infinitely upgradable to the ever-changing security threats. No need to replace the complete system.
Our products are brought about by strict and consistent standards to achieve the highest standards currently available.
Our unique Plascoat coating ensures that the base wire is coated to perfection using the very latest Plascoat
technology. This process ensures a bond to the base metal to ensure no moisture can penetrate between base
metal and Plascoat. This ensures a long life span in very hostile environments.
Our gates are made to ensure strength and security and meet the clients requirements. We manufacture two levels of protection.
Residential will be a lighter manufactured gate as the threat is significantly less than a commercial structure.
Client has the option to choose.
Razor Products
We offer all types of Razor Flat Wrap. Concertina Coil or heavier duty types.